Showing posts with label What’s New Online. Show all posts
Showing posts with label What’s New Online. Show all posts

Monday, November 16, 2015

Websites to Download Creative Commons Music For Free

If you’ve wondered where many of those YouTube videos get their background music from, you’ve come to the right place. Music with Creative Commons licenses are music compositions written, produced and shared by people who do not charge anything when you use their music for your own use, commercially or non-commercially.
Basically, they make the music and keep ownership and copyright of it and you get the permission to use it for your videos, film or small multimedia productions, as long as you credit the creator properly.

There are many sites out there that house music with Creative Commons licenses, sites where you can download music for free (and legally). These sites make it very easy for you to use, all you have to do is pick an audio clip you like and save it as an MP3, and there you have it, your free music download.


Jamendo has more than 350,000 audio files on their database, which includes music in a few different languages and from different countries. Its advanced search will help you narrow down what you’re looking for on their large database.
There is also a ‘Radio’ option where you can listen to music like on a radio channel based on genre. By registering and logging in, you can save personal favourites to your account.


Freesound is a collaborative database for Creative Commons Licensed sounds. This database here is filled with sound effect such as ambient noises, synthesized sounds and sounds produced by musical instruments.
Browse, download and share sounds on Freesound; you can also upload your own audio clips to their database after registering for an account on the website.


Music on this site can be downloaded and shared with anyone, anywhere, anytime. Clips here focus on instrumental samples that are mainly used for remixes on DJ music. There is a wide variety of samples to choose from, which can be sorted by tags that describe the audio clips.



Kompoz is an online community that prides in collaboration between artists from all over the world. Artists post their clips on the website where anyone can download it and use it for their own productions. They can also add their own instruments or creative mix to the original clip and upload it on the website again.
As more people collaborate on the original clip and the clips after that, it will eventually become a creative collaboration of multiple musicians.



SoundCloud is a very popular website where famous artists share their new tracks to the world. There is a section under Creative Commons license where you can download other people’s tracks. You can stream the available clips and it takes just a simple click to get the MP3 file without any registration.
Note that some tracks however require you to ‘Like’ their Facebook page before you can download their clips.


On BeatPick, you have a music player kind of interface where you can listen to any song on a list. To download any song from the website, you’ll have to register for an acoount. Most of the clips are instrumental, with very little vocal input.
The clips also come with descriptions of what it sounds like, which can be useful to match to whatever the theme your clip is.


This is a website mostly used by indie artists who want a platform to sell their music to the public and have their works licensed under their name. You too can do the same, or download some of their free selection of music just by creating an account.
The full songs available on the website can be streamed to help you decide if you want to download it. Some of the artists also have songs in their native language not just English.



Musopen is a website where you can find free music from individual instruments in an orchestra: violins, cellos, violas, etc as well as a combination of instruments. It caters to the genre of quieter music like classical music or jazz.. Best of all, you can also download sheet music.
You can also browse music by sorting it by composer, instrument and even the period of time the music clip resembles.



You might recognize Vimeo as a place only for videos, but it also offers free music which you can use as long as you give credit to the original artist. After clicking download, your download will start and a pop-up window will appear with the details of the clip’s title, artist and website.
For example, when using a music for a YouTube video, you would use those details and place it at the credits of your video or video description.



ArtistServer has over 11,000 MP3 downloads by more than 10,000 artists and you can be one of those artists too when you sign up with them. They have clips of many genres for you to choose from which you can download for free.
It is also possible to preview the entire clip before making your selection and downloading it.

Artist Server


Audiofarm has a wide selection of genres to choose from, uploaded by ordinary people who want to share their music. You can easily download any song you like by clicking the download link – no registration needed.
The full song can even be played while browsing for one that fits your needs. By registering, you can upload music for other people to download.

Audio Farm


If you’re a DJ or anyone else looking for some free beats and loops, iBeat has a wide database of clips which are free under Creative Commons licensing. The beats available come in a variety of genres such as rock beats, hip hop beats and even acoustic or electronic beats. No registration required.



CCTrax is a directory of free music. It has a database of Creative Commons license music for music lovers. Plenty of awesome sound track albums are available for free download here, like Alexander Saykov, Baumfreun, Stiver and more.



On JewelBeat, you search through free background music and sound effects with keywords. These free background music clips can be used for whatever video production you are making. The audio clips here are mostly instrumental and consist of short loops. Besides the free selection, there is also a $0.99 selection that you can choose from.



Clips found on Audionautix are released under Creative Commons license 3.0 – you can use the audio clips available even for commercial purposes so long as you credit the Audionautix website. Clips are named to what the artist feels it should resemble; you can preview the clip by clicking it and if you like it, right click the clip and select ‘save target/link as’ to save it to your desktop.


FMA stands for Free Music Archive which has a wide selectionof high-quality, legal audio downloads. It works like a music station where you browse for clips and if you like the clip, you can add it to your music player. You also can opt to download the full clip. You can use the music player and download the clips without registering for an account.


Purple Planet

Purple planet is the creation of two people, Chris Martyn and Geoff Harvey, who let you use their music for free. You can use any of their audio clips on online videos so long as you link to their website at the description of the video. Their style of music falls under effects that accompany a horror, dramatic or mysterious scene.

Purple Planet


Incompetech hosts a wide variety of royalty free music. You can browse their selection by genre or feel. "Feel" would include things like: Action, Relaxed, Intense or Humorous; you can select a combination of ‘Feels’ and it will check its database for selection matches. Clips can be played on the website and instantly downloaded as well.


Bump Foot

Bump Foot originates from Japan and focuses mostly on techno, trance beats and electronic dance music. You can download the files and use it for your own non-commercial work as long as you give attribution to them or the featured artist.
There is no way to stream music as there are only download links avalable on the site. You don’t need to register for an account to start downloading.

Bump Foot


  1. CASH Music – CASH Music is a non-profit organization that hosts digital tools for musicians and labels to share their music. The digital tool allows for uploads and downloads of songs and sharing is made easy.
  2. Josh Woodward – This work of a single person, this site features more than 180 songs that are free for download, sharing and use. Do give this generous man attribution if you use his clips in your productions.
  3. PacDV – This is a small database of free audio clips organised by mood or emotion such as: Warm, Loving, Serious or Lonely.
  4. SampleSwap – SampleSwap is also a forum for other musicians. When a clip is uploaded, the floor is upon for discussion about the clip, as well as a free download.
  5. DanoSongs – This is also a one-man wonder site. You get to use his wide variety of self-made clips, arranged by genre such as soundtrack, pop/rock band and even techno/electric.
  6. Public Domain 4U – This website has a wide selection of genres of free music you can download. The genre leads to another website which houses the album and description of the album. You can download your tracks there without registration.
  7. Orphan Songs – This website is created by Carl-Otto Johansson who is a musician who writes and records his own music. He uploads his two albums and a few tracks licensed under Creative Commons for public use.
  8. Sonnyboo – To use songs from this website, you have to credit the owner and writer of the songs, Peter John Ross. The song selection he has ranges from Jazz to

Friday, November 13, 2015

Best Website Designs for Inspiration

Looking for best website designs to create your next awesome website? We have tried to compile best designed websites that may inspire your design.

It is always delightful to come across work in the digital scene, especially when much of the said work can be brilliant as setting the tone for our own work within this field. So what kinds of trends are being followed nowadays? That’s a tough question to nail down but it is far more important to ask just what is being done by the successful developers and designers out there and what can you do to grab your share in the market.

You also find our pick of best responsive design websites

Web design matters more than ever for companies wanting to get their product or idea out into the crazy world of the internet. A website is one of the most powerful marketing tools available today for businesses. It doesn’t matter the size of your company because your site can rank higher on Google regardless of its size. 

A website is a good way to give your business some credibility and to reach new potential customers at a lower cost. Before you make your own, it’s good to measure the quality of a site by some current industry standards. 

A good website should have: 
  • Simple elements
  • Quality typography
  • Engaging color scheme
  • Branding for your company
  • Easy navigation
  • Social media
  • Apps for phones or other devices

Gugurel’s Profile Website

Gugurel’s Profile Website
Gugurel’s work is one of mystic fascination, if one would pardon the use of that terminology in this context. As his page says, the work is creative and focuses on delivering quality user experience. The idea is fresh, there is literally nothing visible on the page save for few buttons so almost intuitively the user has less complications to deal with and has more time to navigate around the page. The technique? Gugurel has simply tapped into the human psychic and figured out that the visitors will spend longer on the page if they have to work less to navigate. That’s a lesson for all of in the design profession.

Grand Hotel Dicomo

Grand Hotel Dicomo
I like to call this website as menus done correctly. You can see perfectly what the entire business and service is about, everything that they are offering is done brilliantly on the website. The central part is more display oriented rather than having text whereas the menu is simplistic but complete in all of the services and information about the business. Again from the outlook of design, this is one subtly done for business, it is definitely very alluring to the eye and yet fulfills all the business objectives wonderfully. Another tip for all you budding artists out there.

450 GSM

450 GSM
This one is a joy to behold for all the minimalism lovers out there. We all know how the minimalist design has picked up pace as a trend in the modern business construct but it is another story altogether to see a business execute it well and with a flourish. Observe the elements of the website, there aren’t many and yet the entire site carries a very clean look which instantly adds to the appeal of the site. Look at the business in question, the offer is of print and ones who want printing done want the output to be presentable. See the link? The website translates the purpose and the feature of the business.


This is content centered design done with excellence. Notably many sites that attempt this concept end up adding too many panels, too many menu elements and too much of side text. Notice the grey area beneath the page, that tells you of how optimized the size is and yet everything you need to know to get a flavor about what pervolo is. The one thing which gives the site edge is the mood it sets with its background. Again design, wise this is use of psychology in play to get the visitor to be attracted to the site.


This is a mixture of flat design and minimalism done correctly. It’s a big enterprise adopting this design and it speaks quite a lot to be able to opt for this kind of a concept for your website. Partially this is because of the skill of the designer, notice how the core services are highlighted as bigger panels. Again from corporate purpose that is how the site needs to be exhibited. That it looks as professional and coherent with the business as possible.

Kreativa Studio

Kreativa Studio
I like to call this a work on maximalism. Hear me out, even with the limited size of the picture you can easily understand what the entire site is about and you attribute creativity to this site. So when the user comes on to the site his first impression will probably be “wow, there’s a lot of choice here”. The trick is this diversity of options does not make him confused and instead excites him about discovering the website further. So if you add an extensive, content centered design into your website, ask the question: “would I be excited to discover the site further” and that will give you a good indication.

Velvet Hammer

Velvet Hammer
This is one site you all have to visit to get a true feel of. This is creativity done correctly and done in a very refined manner. It’s only fitting that a site of this caliber should belong to a music niche supporting independent artists. The truly mesmerizing element about the site is the scrolling animation which gives a very fluid impression to the website, almost as if you’re flicking the pages of a magazine, only simpler and more alluring. Top marks for originality on this one.

Seim MC

Seim MC
here is good reason as to why simplistic expression in design is so much in trend nowadays. Look at the page above for example, the appeal and mood is good but the page is exceedingly neat and yet still displays its features. This is a clever mix of content centrism and minimalism and this is especially achievable in certain conversion methods of creating websites such as PSD to HTML. 

The company is a strategy consultant for businesses so it obviously needs to display its content amply, but their approach to fulfilling that is superb. So in retrospect they are catering to each business need and are actually helping them scroll through their services in a more efficient manner.

Thru You Too

Thru You Too
This is a concept in website making which is seldom executed successfully as a commercial front. This one is successful because of the minimalist approach it takes in each transition. So the elements of art and the animation are all standard but very natural in the manner they flow form one video to another in the playback. 

So all in all the result comes out as an experience for the user as he scrolls through the website. This is promotional effort and it does pretty well in terms of putting itself out there.

Creative Live

Creative Live offers a catalog of hundreds of creative, online classes. Some are free and some are available for purchase at a reasonable price. Their site is inviting and easy to navigate through classes. I especially enjoy their typography which is readable and catches the eye.


This site is good for the whole family! They have categories such as recipes, DIY projects, outdoor, design, and more with instructions that are easy to read and follow and you’re also available to download instructions into PDF form if you go pro. It’s a very simple site that is still presented efficiently.


Here’s a fashion and beauty site that is comparable to Pinterest. The pages are clean and neat. You’re able to hover the photo of the item you’re viewing and ‘like, keep, or buy,’ which makes it especially catered to online shoppers. Online shoppers want a site that provides a safe and quick transaction; this is the type of sight they looks for.

Elite Daily

If you want to read up on events in the news or something out of the ordinary, Elite Daily will surely have it. Their articles are witty and blunt. There are minimal ads, the typography is appealing, and you’ll always be surprised by what they come up with. 

Their social media is on point with thousands of shares daily on Facebook.

Elle Decor

Not only a beautiful magazine, but Elle Decor has a beautiful website as well. Elle Decor’s website invites you in with class and style. The digital landscape is evolving and changing and Elle Decor is ahead of the game.

Whole Foods Market

I believe Whole Foods just redesigned their website and it looks awesome! It used to be hard to navigate but now it has specific pages for specific questions. It’s also colorful with bright/neutral colors and has an earthy feel to it, which never hurts!


This is one of my favorite sites, not only for the products they sell but for the way it’s designed. On that note, watch this awesome video from Lush Digital that shows how web design can and should make a massive statement. 

Their new website design (powered by Drupal) increased website visits every month by 71% because of the progressive displays, interactivity and the look and feel of the site.


Unless you haven’t used a computer in the last five years, you’ve most likely heard of this one. Vimeo is a video sharing platform that was created in 2004 by a group of filmmakers. There are now over 14 million members and some say they prefer Vimeo instead of YouTube. The videos are works of art and people are able to express themselves. They offer a cleaner aesthetic compared to other sharing platforms and there are no ads!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Best cases and covers for your brand-new iPhone 6S

Apple makes beautiful smartphones, but durability is not a major focus. Because the new iPhone 6S packs in more features than ever before, there’s no doubt it will sell like hot cakes, so if you want to preserve that elegant design then you really need to take some precautions. The case market has exploded in recent years, so you can get solid drop protection, find all sorts of stylish finishes, and even add some functionality very easily.
Updated on 11-2-2015 by Simon Hill: Added cases by Burkley, Adopted, Rhino Shield, iDeal, and Grovemade.
To help narrow down your choices, these are the best iPhone 6S cases we’ve seen so far.
Related: Best iPhone 6 cases

Burkley Walletcase ($34)

Burkley WalletcaseHere’s a hand-crafted wallet case in high quality leather that comes in a variety of different finishes. You’ll find a black, polycarbonate shell inside that your iPhone 6S snaps into. It’s minimalist, with cut-outs for all the buttons and ports. Around that, you have a leather folio with a diagonal flap that contains a magnetic closure. On the inside cover there are three card slots, and you can also fold the cover back to act as a landscape stand. There’s a cut-away on the back to enable normal camera use. If the eye-catching, limited edition, fiesta red isn’t to your tastes, check out the other finishes, including the gorgeous antique coffee.
Available at:

Adopted Frame Case ($40)

Adopted Frame CaseThis case has an expensive look and feel to it, but it’s really a bumper, or a frame, rather than a typical iPhone 6S case. The frame and the button covers are aluminum, and it has genuine, full-grain leather panels to provide contrast, comfort, and grip. There’s a latch at the bottom left corner, which makes it easy to put on and take off, and there are openings for the ports and the side switch. It extends beyond the iPhone body front and back to provide all-round protection. Even though it’s just a frame, it does add bulk; it almost squares off the rounded corners of your iPhone. We’re not sure about drop protection, but it certainly fits nicely with Apple’s design.
Available at:

Rhino Shield PlayProof Case ($30)

Rhino Shield PlayProof CaseIt was the Crash Guard bumper ($25) that first brought Rhino Shield to our attention, and it’s still worth a look, but the case maker has now widened its line-up with the new PlayProof case. This is more of a traditional fitted case, blending a hard shell with a shock-absorbing hexagonal pattern on the inside that promises drop protection at up to 11.5 feet. The case is easy to fit, the cut-outs are generous for easy access to ports, and the button covers are pronounced, so you can find and use them easily without looking. It’s a lightweight, slim case, considering the level of protection, and you can get it in a wide variety of different finishes (plain color cases are $5 cheaper). The only thing we don’t like is the slippery back.
Available at:
Evolutive Labs

iDeal Swipe Wallet Case ($44)

iDeal Swipe Wallet CaseThe Swipe Wallet case for the iPhone 6S combines a number of really smart features. There’s a minimalist hard, plastic shell in black, which you can snap your iPhone 6S into. It has the full range of cut-outs and a textured finish that aids grip. It attaches to the fake leather (polyurethane) wallet portion via magnets, so you can take the jacket on and off as you like (iDeal also sell magnetic mounts). The wallet has two card slots on the back for easy access, a magnetic closure, and there’s a window in the front to display the time, incoming calls, or music controls. A series of four, shiny metal segments, near the bottom of the cover, enable you to answer and hang up calls without having to open the wallet. It can also double up as a landscape stand. You’ll enjoy the clever design and stylish feel of this iDeal case.
Available at:

Grovemade Walnut Case ($100)

Grovemade Walnut CaseYou can’t help falling in love with Grovemade’s wares, but they’re not cheap. Crafted from Oregon Claro Walnut, each case has a unique grain, and they’re all sanded and finished by hand in Portland, Oregon. The natural wood looks and feels fantastic, the button covers work well, and there are openings for the ports, camera, and side switch. Grovemade has struggled to produce wooden cases that don’t add a lot of bulk in the past, and its solution here is to offer a bumper and a separate back plate that adheres directly to the back of your iPhone 6S. It’s not all style over substance, this case will offer some protection for your iPhone, but it is thin wood at the end of the day, so the case may not survive a drop or bump unscathed.

Available at:

Nodus Shell Case ($61)

Nodus Shell Case We loved the folio style Access Case by Nodus, so we were excited to hear about the new design for the Shell case. It’s crafted from the same full grain Italian leather, but this case is a slim, polycarbonate shell with a soft, microfiber lining that your iPhone 6S will fit snugly into. It’s very slim, has accurate cut-outs for your ports and the camera, and sports subtle button covers. There’s no distracting detail, just an embossed octopus logo on the back. The Shell case also comes with a small magnetic dock (a square of metal bearing that same stylish octopus logo) that you can stick wherever you want. It’s a handy way to keep your iPhone 6S safe while charging, or to use it hands-free.

Available at:

Cover-Up Woodback Snap Case ($26)

Cover-Up Woodback Snap Case Natural wood grain is always a pleasant look, and Cover-Up’s cases strike a nice balance between style and affordability. This a slim case that snaps onto the iPhone 6S. The main shell is black polycarbonate with openings for all of the buttons, ports, and the camera. The back panel comes in a wide variety of different natural wood finishes, including padauk, bamboo, and blackened ash. These cases aren’t going to provide rugged drop protection, but they’ll guard against scrapes and bumps. The wood is all sustainable, hand-sanded, and waxed, and each one looks unique.

Available at:
Cover-Up Amazon

MagBak Case ($39)

MagBak Case Here’s another iPhone 6S case with a magnetic touch. The MagBak, as the name suggests, has a magnetic strip inside it, and it ships with two MagSticks, which are small magnetic strips with adhesive backs that you can stick on the car dash or the kitchen tile for mounting your iPhone. The case itself comes in six different colors, feels malleable and soft to the touch, and has a black microfiber lining inside. There are cut-outs for the ports, switch, and camera, and subtle button covers. It’s very slim, so it may not provide much drop protection, but the magnetic docks are potentially very handy.
Available at:

Encase Leather Wallet Case ($32)

Encase Leather Wallet Case This case is padded and covered with neatly stitched, genuine leather in black or brown. Open up the magnetic closure, and you’ll find a full wallet replacement inside, with three card slots and a larger money pouch at the back. Your iPhone 6S clips into a tough, polycarbonate frame with the full range of openings for access to controls and ports. It’s an unobtrusive case that won’t draw undue attention to your iPhone 6S, and it offers complete all-round protection from falls, bumps, and scratches.
Available at:
Mobile Fun

Trident Aegis Pro Case ($35)

Trident Aegis Pro Case You may think you’ve seen the Aegis before, but Trident has redesigned it for the iPhone 6S. It’s still a seriously tough case that meets military drop test standard 810G, by blending tough polycarbonate on the outside with a shock absorbent TPE inner. This case also features good button covers, plugs to protect the ports, and a raised lip to safeguard the screen. It has a lanyard loop, and it comes with a screen protector. There’s a texture on the back to aid grip, and it has a clever slide on design for an easy fit. It is definitely bulky, but it will also definitely protect your iPhone 6S if you drop it.
Available at:

Caseology Envoy Series Case ($17)

Caseology Envoy Series Case You don’t necessarily have to spend a lot of cash to get a case that looks expensive. Caseology is best known as a budget case manufacturer, but it brings plenty of style and a fashionable aesthetic to this minimalist line for the iPhone 6S. The Envoy Series combines a flexible TPU bumper case with a PU leather backing. There’s a raised lip on the front to protect the screen, rubberized button covers that are easy to find and press, and accurate openings for the ports and the camera. The frame has a metallic gold finish, but you can get a variety of different effects on the back including black or white carbon fiber, or a blue, brown, or gold faux leather.
Available at:
Caseology Amazon

X-Doria: Defense Lux Case ($60)

X-Doria: Defense Lux Case Can you have solid protection and style in the same case? X-Doria certainly thinks so. The Defense Lux has a soft rubber inner, an impact-resistant polycarbonate back, and an anodized aluminum frame. The whole package meets military drop test standard 810G, so it will survive falls from up to 6.6 feet. You can choose from a range of luxurious finishes on the back including carbon fiber, soft leather, and crocodile skin. There’s a lip on the front to safeguard the screen, and metallic covers to protect the buttons.
Available at:
X-Doria Amazon

Otterbox Strada Series Case ($50)

Otterbox Strada Series Case The Strada Series is something a little different for Otterbox, a company usually known for its highly protective cases. You still get a solid shell the iPhone 6S snaps into, that offers real drop protection, but there’s also a genuine leather cover and a metallic highlight bearing the Otterbox logo on the side for a classy look. The metal plate has a magnetic latch to keep the cover securely closed in your pocket or bag. The inside has a soft lining and a single slot for a business card or ID. The button covers and openings are precise. You can get this in classic black, or reddish brown.
Available at:
Otterbox Amazon

Skech Ice Case ($30)

Skech Ice Case Here’s a nice, practical case from Skech which isn’t too bulky. It features a classic combination of soft interior wrapped in a hard shell. The openings are large, so there’s no interference with the camera or ports. The button covers are easy to find and not too stiff. It’s a comfortable case to hold thanks to the soft touch finish. We also really like the protective rim, which extends to protect the screen should your phone land face down, and also covers the back to prevent scratches. This grippy case comes in six different colors.
Available at:

Silk Innovation: PureView Clear Case ($12)

Silk Innovation: PureView Clear Case The cheapest case on our list is a slim bumper with an internal tread that promises to absorb shock. It has a clear back to allow Apple’s iPhone 6S design to shine through. The button covers are quite large, and there are big openings for the ports and camera. It looks quite good for such a cheap case and should provide basic protection. You can pick it up in gold, black, transparent frost, or grey. It’s easy to customize this case by slipping a picture into the clear back section — there’s even a template provided so you can trim the picture for a perfect fit. You also get a screen protector in the box.
Available at:

Top 10 internet accelerators

With broadband now commonplace, internet accelerators have gone out of fashion somewhat with creaky old modems consigned to the bin. However, as broadband speed is often subject to wild variations depending on where you live, who your ISP is, how far you are from the telephone exchange etc, some people might find that there's still a place for internet accelerators in their lives. Here's a selection of the top 10 that cover broadband modems, dial-ups and network connections. None of these can guarantee to speed-up your connection and you should contact your ISP if you've got serious problems.
  • Throttle - Boost your internet speed by 200%
  • FastNet99 - Tweak DNS settings to increase your browsing speed
  • BeFaster - Optimise your speed online and offline
  • Modem Booster - If you're still on a modem, this could increase speed by 300%

Monday, October 26, 2015

Best Free Cloud Storage Services to Safe and Secure Your Data

Cloud storage let you access your photos, videos, documents and other important information anywhere and anytime, and also keep your data safe and secure from local hardware damages or other form of data losses you may encounter and to protect your digital data cloud storage services provides free online storage where you can easily store and share your personal files.
Cloud storage provides an easy solution to email attachments where you can just share a file or folder link with access level rather than attaching the files, you can collaborate in a group to share work, view, edit and upload files and share thoughts on group projects.
Cloud storage becoming more and more popular day by day because of safe, secure and reliable anywhere access of files, photos, videos and important documents and lots of sharing options which is a another plus point to any cloud storage.
And, to keep in view all these features we have reviewed and listed the top 5 best free cloud services for you.
Google Drive
Google Drive offers you a decent deal of pay as you grow and you get 15 GB of free storage. You’ll have to pay additional fee if use more than 15 GB free storage. In an easy to use interface you can even directly drag or upload folder from your local storage using Chrome browser or installing a Java-Based Folder Upload applet to upload folders from any other browser.
Installing Google Drive for PC or MAC let you easily sync files shared in your My Drive folder. Anything you edit, modify, add or remove will be reflected in your Google Drive account and vice versa.
You can change sharing settings to allow your friends and colleagues to access your uploaded files and  you can also have the option to share your files with whom you want to share with choice of access level you set by which you can share documents with your friends and colleagues without sending email attachments.
You can make any file, document or folder private, share with a link, make it public on web and set access level to any group or individual you want.
FEATURES: Pay as you use in addition to free storage, Upload folders, Google Drive for MAC/PC, Auto sync, File sharing with access level, Share files with a link or make It public on Web
Dropbox web interface
Dropbox is one of the largest cloud storage providers and offers great list of services and features.
Though there’re endless opportunities of features a cloud storage could provide but not all can be provided with the start and Dropbox still offers great list of features a cloud storage should offer. Dropbox offers 2 GB free storage which you can increase upto 16 GB with their referral program.
Dropbox works on almost all platforms; Windows, MAC, Android, iPhone, Blackberry, Linux so, it let you access your files on device you’re accessible to anywhere anytime. Auto sync feature make it feel like the whole system is just one drive whether you have a connection on not you can access files anytime becauseDropbox updates only changes to files rather than transferring the whole thing.
Inviting and sharing with friends and colleagues is the common feature in all cloud storage services and Dropbox also let you invite people to folder, share link and create photo galleries viewable to anyone you choose.
And, if by chance you accidently deleted any file or folder then you can restore your data within a month you have deleted that, because Dropbox keeps one month history of you work.
FREE STORAGE: 2 GB (initially)
FEATURES: Increase free storage upto 16 GB, Auto sync, Work offline, Folder invite, Social sharing, Backup deleted files within a month

Apple iCloud
iCloud is the cloud service provided by Apple which works with MAC, iOS devices as well as PCs. iCloud is more than just a cloud storage, you can auto sync music, pictures, contacts and other files from your MAC and iOS devices using iTunes Match.
If you’re a music lover then iCloud offers you to store and stream music right from iCloud, you can store your entire collection of photos and music in iCloud and it acts as media server for your iOS devices.
iCloud provides 5 GB of free storage in addition to it 10 GB for $20 per year, 20 GB for $40 per year and 50 GB for $100 per year.
FEATURES: Available on MACs, iOS devices and PCs, Create music library from iTunes, Stream music, Attractive paid plans

Box is a popular cloud storage service but unlike Google Drive where you can upload a file upto size of 1 TB Dropbox limits file size upto 5 GB and 250 MB under Personal Free plan. Instead Box provides great customer support and higher level of services for personal (Free), Business and Enterprise IT plans.
What you get in Personal Free account is 10 GB free cloud storage, quickly share large files and folders and easily embed files in your website. More on you can access your files on any device; desktop, laptop, smartphone or tablet, Box is available on both iPhone and Android for on the go access to files.
Box provides an online collaboration platform where in a group anyone whom you invite can view, edit, upload, comment and assign work in a shared folder which make it easy to work on a project no matter from where you’re participating in.
An added feature in Box is their real time update system where you’ll get email notifications for everything you’re involved in at Box platform.
FEATURES: Quick sharing options, Collaboration platform, Real time notofications on activities

Microsoft OneDrive
OneDrive offers you 7 GB of free space when you signup and you can get additional free 8 GB storage if you activate camera roll backup which save your photos automatically to your OneDrive and 5 GB if you refer someone to OneDrive, with asum up you get 15 GB free space for your photos, videos, documents and more.
OneDrive is available to install on Windows, MAC, Android, Windows Phone and iOS devices by which your files automatically sync to your OneDrive account.
You can view, edit and save documents in OneDrive from you Office 2013 applications and if you have not installed Office 2013 then you can still access your office documents within your browser using Office Online and collaborate in group projects with your friends and colleagues.
You can easily create word documents, excel workbooks, powerpoint presentations and more, share you photos, create slide shows, send a link to someone or embed anywhere from just one place, OneDrive.
FREE STORAGE: 7 GB (initially)
FEATURES: 8 GB additional free storage, View, edit and save OneDrive files in Office 2013, Office Online, Create Office documents online.
However these are the best cloud storage services which provides free as well paid online storage options, but there are other more or less known cloud storage providers, let us know which one you’re using and what you like or dislike about specific one by leaving a comment.