Monday, January 4, 2016
Post Ideas That Will Make Your Blog Famous
#1 Run a contest – I’ve run (currently not available) on this site before, and all I can say is that it gives great attention and new traffic to your blog.
#2 Review books/products/films – Reviews deliver a lot of value to your followers, and people are constantly looking for honest opinions, not the fake ones that the web is full of.
#3 Make comprehensive guide/tutorial – If you’re a professional in a field or know some topics extra well, feel free to help the ones who have less skills and experience than you do. Tutorials and guides provide a lot of value, which can help drive traffic and convert followers. As an experienced blogger.
#4 Interview someone – Know any celebrities or people who have great stories behind their work/life/career? Interviews are extremely popular in two cases: a) you deliver an interview with a famous person who rarely speaks in public or b) your shares rally insanely useful and practical tips and content.
#5 Post a cool infographic – Infographics help to visualize complicated data, and they’re hugely popular these days. As always, when something becomes mainstream, the overall quality is poor. So, if you’re not a designer, hire one to get a viral infographic that stands out from the crowd.
#6 Criticize a website/blog or a person – The web and blogs are great for discussion, opinions and criticizing. Nevertheless, if you are brave enough to say some crispy words about someone, make sure your text has strong arguments and is based on real facts. Random ranting is pointless.
#7 Make a post full of GIFs – GIFs are the symbol of online entertainment and humor. There are thousands of GIFs and generators that help to produce new ones.
#8 Create a photo post – Share your favorite photos from your niche or personal photos from your latest traveling adventure. Keep in mind that if you’re not the author, you should always give credit to the original photographer by providing a link.
#9 Tell a personal secret – We all have our dreams as well as secrets. Sharing them publicly gives very engaging content to the followers. As much as people love rumors, they love to know the dirty little secrets of other people.#10 Write inspirational/motivational post with famous quotes – People need little kicks to get going and get things done. Big things start from small ones, and motivational posts can do miracles. Here’s one of the best quotes from Steve Jobs: “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else´s life.
#11 Share recent travel experiences – Travel blogs and posts are popular, and there are people who earn a living solely from writing about their adventures. Sharing inspiration and tips from your adventures is very useful to your audience, whether you’re in the travel industry or not. In case you haven’t traveled for a while, publish the best or worst experiences you’ve had in certain countries/airline companies/etc.
#12 Host a giveaway – Have you ever thought why products like GoPro become more and more popular with each day? They do giveaway campaigns regularly. People love free stuff, and taking advantage of that helps you reach new audiences.
#13 Write down a conspiracy theory – Have you heard about all the number theories behind important events and people? Now it’s time to start a new one; let your imagination free, or simply share you opinions about the known ones.
#14 Show log files of intense conversations – Who doesn’t like to read log-files that are somewhat offensive?
#15 Write a short story – No previous experience with writing fiction? Publish your short story (about 200 – 500 words), and ask your followers for feedback.
#16 Sing a song – Great artists and singers are not born overnight. First, they’ll have to discover their talent. Find your new hobby or passion in music.
#17 Create a list of something – People are lazy. They don’t want to waste time on searching and gathering information. That’s the reason why lists are popular. Create a TOP10, or better yet, a TOP100 list. Lists of movies, books, influential people, or any other topic can easily generate buzz.
#18 Write down all the thoughts you had in mind today – This is pretty mindf*#?, but if you are bored, then you can try this method as well.
#19 Share your goals/dreams publicly – Write down all your goals for the current year or dreams where you want to be in 5 years time. It gives nice pressure and motivation to achieve the goals, and it will excite your loyal followers.
#20 Make a link carnival and ask others to join – All sorts of link carnivals and linky parties are becoming very popular.
#21 Announce that you’ve turned the comments into “do-follow” so you can get more comments – You will probably get 50% more comments in that way. However, the downside of this technique is that you might receive a lot of “spam” blog comments as well. Comment Luv is a great plugin to start with.
#22 Build your to-do list – There are many to-do list apps and services, but try to publish your tasks on your blog. Other people will have the opportunity to learn from you. How you build your tasks, how broad or narrow they are, etc. can all be helpful to your audience.
#23 Write a post in response to some recent post/news –
In other words, become an opinion blogger or analyst. When you manage to write high-level content on hot topics, your blog can be featured on major newspapers and websites.
#24 Make a full case study about something – We covered tutorials already, but case studies reveal what you’ve done, how you’ve done it, and what the results are. This is extremely interesting for many folks, especially for me.
#25 Share your favorite blogs/bloggers in one post – It’s a bit similar to “Make a list” idea, but sharing the blogs and bloggers you follow is never a bad idea. Give the resources to your readers; believe me, they are grateful and won’t stop following you.
#26 Invite your readers to submit guest posts – Are you struggling with new posts or have to leave for some time? Ask people to write guest posts. It’s a win-win situation; you get the content, and they can build up their name or brand.
#27 Publish the best comments that your blog has received throughout the history – Are you using a vote system on your comments or just know the posts where some comments have raised very fruitful discussions? Share them in a separate post.
#28 Share your blogs income + traffic numbers – Prove that a blog in your niche can have reasonable traffic numbers and maybe even be profitable. Bring Google Analytics data to daylight and it’s very nice if you provided some analysis in important points, for example a major change in traffic numbers etc.#29 Tell a joke – That’s pretty straight forward. Humor never gets old, and great jokes are really entertaining.
#30 Bust a myth – There are thousands of well-known things that actually are not true. In other words, they’re called myths. Take some time and do some research to disprove some of them. If your follower love it, feel free to become a MythBuster.
#31 Produce or publish your art – Online galleries and portfolios look cool and can be the first step to the world for artists. So publish your paintings, comics, graphical design masterpieces, and other creations as well.
#32 Publish a post about your success and epic failures – Being successful means making mistakes (or in other words: failing). But failing is not all bad. It’s a learning experience that allows you to be better the next time. So, that’s the reason why you should talk publicly about your success and failures, to let others learn from it.
#33 Ask your readers to tweet, like, and share the posts they like – Spreading the word about your blog or posts is important, but sometimes people need a little extra kick to do that, so write a post for that.
#34 Start a poll – That’s simple. Want to know what other people prefer or think about a certain topic? Start a poll to get quick overview.
#35 Write a post about things you regret doing/not doing – When you surf around Quora or Yahoo Answers, you’ll find many very popular topics and posts about the things people regret doing and not doing. Try to write down your own list.
#36 Pose a rhetorical question in your blog post – This blog post idea is similar to posting random quotes just to produce some content, but it can really spark a discussion, even if the question is rhetorical.
#37 Post a picture that speaks more than thousand words – Sometimes you can and SHOULD post images that tell us a story. It does not only grab attention and increase your visitors average time spent on the blog, but it’s also extremely interesting.#38 Publish some little or unknown facts – The Internet and different encyclopedias are full of facts, some of them really random. For example “Did you know that the pink/red/white color of flamingos comes from the food they eat?” You can gather those facts in your own post to generate buzz.
#39 Publish an In Memorian post – It’s polite to commemorate the people who pass away.
#40 Bring out the most important dates in history – Pick a country/war/invention/company, and write down the important dates of it. People love to get general but detailed overviews.
#41 Tell about your latest event experiences – Visited a concert or a festival lately? Write a review about it.
#42 Publish your CV online – Show your previous experience and the things you are good at. You might get a job offer for doing that.
#43 Post an obvious lie – You can turn things upside down when you tell an obvious lie inside your blog post. People might get mad at you, but that doesn’t matter.
#44 Write where you’d like to travel – … and encourage others to do the same in your comments. This kind of conversations usually turns out pretty big.
#45 Blog about marketing secrets – Tell your readers about your top secret strategies, techniques, and tactics you use to get more followers and traffic.
#46 Write about the most important lessons you’ve learned in your life – What is more kind than helping others and analyzing yourself at the same time?
#47 Tell your readers what they should do to succeed – Create a blog post that explains your readers what they should do in order to become successful as you are.
#48 Do a video post about your day – Let your readers see about your daily life. For me, it’s extremely interesting, but you also need to have some courage to do that. In either way, it’s up to you.
#49 Show off your personal stuff; car(s), house, accessories – This is something that creates many different opinions among your readers. Don’t be scared to show your stuff. It can also turn out as a motivational blog post from someone who doesn’t own those kind of things.
#50 Build a list – Build a list of your readers. You can use Aweber or Mailchimp for that; in that way you can inform your readers about the new posts you’ve made.
#51 Create a blog post about your bad habits – Smoking, alcohol, drugs. Tell them something shocking!
#52 Offer free help in your industry to get new contacts – Free help gives you great reputation and people will start sharing your blog more often as well as suggesting to their friends. It helps to grow into a branded expert.
#53 Research and analyze a topic in your industry – Well written and analyzed posts get great attention. Invest time and grow your followers by that. Many professional bloggers write one post for more than 12 working hours, they invest a lot of time to produce perfect posts.
#54 Answer to every single comment personally – Make your readers feel special and honored. It takes only a couple of minutes to answer them personally but you can get new friends, co-authors or even business partners.
#55 Write a longer “About Me” post – Classical About Me posts are a couple of lines but introduce yourself more and write a longer one. People like to know what’s the background of the content they’re reading but they usually don’t have time to check LinkedIn accounts or just Google the name.
#56 Create a post that utilizes a bar chart or pie chart – Infographics is one of the hottest keywords in the web industry. Visualizing data makes it easier to read, gather interesting data and build charts!
#57 Write down your monthly personal budget and expenses – You can document what ever costs you like. Take your website and show how many dollars you’ve spent on it and also show the income/revenue side of it. Additionally, you can use the same model on your family budget.
#58 Participate in reciprocal guest blogging – Talk to your followers and look for people who’d like to write you a guest post and you’ll write one by yourself.\
#59 Post linkbait – Don’t know what linkbait is? Have a look at here:
#60 Make a post about your most popular posts – Gather the data behind the most popular posts (traffic, shares and comments) and write them down in a single post.
#61 Publish a “What If” post – Use your imagination and write a post about what if you’re going to move to another country or travel the world or win billion dollars. People love to dream and believe that these things will happen to them.#62 Publish online courses/e-books – If you’re an expert in your field, invest time in writing and publishing courses and e-books. Create quality content, and people will be ready to buy it for nice amount of money. When money is not an important aspect, publish the content for free.
#64 Turn on Gravatar images on your blog comment – Make it as a real conversation by turning on Gravatar images (just like my blog has).
#65 Build your portfolio – A portfolio is a great way to showcase experience. It’s a wide-spread myth that only artists and photographers can use it. Build a portfolio of projects you’ve run, the applications you’ve coded, and so on.
#66 Write in your own everyday language/writing style – Forget the well-known rules, and use the expressions you use every day. It’s a great way to make your posts more enjoyable and stand out.
#61 Share food recipes – Don’t know what to write about? Share the recipes of your favorite meals and desserts.
#68 Publish a post about cons and pros about something – Things are never black & white, and there is nothing perfect in this world. There’s always some cons about something.
#69 Show others how to secure their blogs – This is something that is useful and interesting at the same time.
#70 Hold a conference or a webinar through blog post – Have a “group” meeting at next Saturday 9 PM. I’m more than sure that if you hold a live event through your blog then there will be people watching it.#71 Ask for general feedback on your blog – Sometimes you can improve your blog by the way your readers want. Minor tweaks here and there can add value that can bring you more traffic and returning visitors.
#72 Curate or summarize someone else’s work – Write short summaries to bring out the most important aspects or points in other published writings. This helps save a lot of time for the readers who are only looking for the most important information.
#73 Publish a list of your most successful Tweets/social media posts (based on re-tweets & likes) – Have you had any success with massive re-tweeting, liking, or sharing? Share the tweets and posts with others.
#74 Compile a list of common mistakes in your niche – Many people don’t know the basics and make common mistakes. Write tutorials to help them prevent these misunderstandings.
#75 Publish a manifesto –
#76 Make a post about future plans – Dreaming of being a world-class analyst or an entrepreneur in five years time? Looking to start studies at a university? Write the plans down; it’s interesting to read them later on, and it gives new ideas to other people as well.
#77 Write down an extremely long blog comments – In that way you can show your readers that you actually care about their comments & opinions.
#78 Thank your audience for following you – Show that you respect them.
#79 Write about why you actually started blogging – Simply tell your followers how it all started…
#80 Abandon your blog for a week and make others think “what happened to you” – It’s pretty risky, but if you are famous blogger – this will get you a lot of buzz.
#81 Write the list of things and activities you want to do before death – Ever seen the books in the bookstore called “1001 places to visit/foods to eat/artists to listen before you die?” Build your own list, and inspire others to do that as well.
#82 Show others how to do something extremely FAST – Everybody likes to do something quickly. As you know, time is the most valuable thing in our lives.
#83 Write a satirical blog post – Satire never gets old, but don’t be too harsh. These posts can easily go viral, but be sure you’re prepared for backlash.
#84 Write a series of blog posts – To make your readers constantly engaged with your blog.
#85 Publish a questions and answers blog post – Make a “Questions Monday.” Promise to answer all the questions your audience has.
#86 Post a quote – People adore quotes that make them think and spread motivation, so use them wisely.
#87 Launch a free e-book about your best blog posts – Gather the most viewed and commented posts together and convert them into an e-book that can be published on Amazon or other online bookstores.#88 Run PPC campaign through Facebook to your blog posts – It costs a little, but this option means a lot of new traffic and followers.
#89 Update/invest in customized blog post design – Great blogs and posts need great design to keep the readers coming back. Hire professionals; never try to do “something” in PhotoShop unless you’re not a designer.
#90 Make 404 page that is a game – That’s a fun way to get people staying on your page.
#91 Make a handwritten post and publish it by taking a photo – Hand-written texts look amazing and shows your creativity as well as character.
#92 Make an ultimate resource post – Operating in fishing niche? Publish a list of most useful resources for that.
#93 Invite experts to comment your posts – Busy people work the most, but they’re quite often ready to help if you offer them value from your side. If you ask them, do it kindly, and state clearly why they should do it and what they get for doing it.
#94 Publish a post as an audio file (mp3) – Write your post and record it as an audio file. It allows the readers to follow the blog on the go; all they need is an mp3 player or a smartphone.
#95 Make list of useful & interesting people to follow in your niche – This is another “TOP” category post idea. List the useful people who provide great insights; these posts become viral quickly.
#96 List nostalgic post about different blogs in your niche, and show readers how they’ve changed from 2000 by using web.archive – Web design and trends have changed a lot. It creates great WOW effect for people to see how ugly the websites used to be back in the dot.com bubble times.
#97 Link to new or interesting patents in your niche that amazes people – Ever heard that Apple patented the two-finger movements on smartphones and tablets? Here’s your chance to shine.
#98 Ask some billionaire to write a post for you – As these people are often too busy to respond, they enjoy fame and publicity. This is definitely worth a try, even when you fail.
#99 Rant about something that REALLY disturbs you – Ranting on the Internet is sometimes pointless, but well-argumented posts may get a lot of attention.
#100 Create a list of online tools you find useful – There are literally dozens of tools that can make life a lot easier, create a list of the ones you use or would like to use.#101 Dare your readers to do something – And then ask them to report back on how it went. Or, have them dare you to do something, and then post a video of you doing it.
#102 Host a voting contest – Ask your readers to nominate the best blogs in your niche. This can turn into several posts since you can take those nominations and write a “Top 100 Blogs in the Industry” post. Notify the winning blogs so that they’ll send some of their followers your way.
#103 Curate content in your niche – Did you read some interesting articles this week? Link to the best ones in your blog post as a resource for your readers.
#104 Wish yourself happy birthday – Are you entering the second year of your blog? Wish it a happy birthday, and then show readers how far you’ve come.
#105 Make a list of interesting stats in your niche – Want to blow your reader’s minds? Create a useful resource of stats in your niche.
#106 Repost a long email response to a reader’s question – Do you often get personal readers’ questions only to respond in a long email? Share that response with your other followers. (Just be sure you’re keeping any emails, names, etc. confidential.)
#107 Write a FAQs post – What questions do you get asked constantly, either about yourself or your industry? Create a FAQs post answering all these questions. Repost this as a page on your website so that it’s easy to find for newcomers.
#108 Write an ultimate list – Choose a topic and write an ultimate list of ideas so that it’s the first go-to resource for your readers.
#109 Create an A-Z post – For example, write an A to Z post on travel tips or an A to Z post on the best WordPress plugins.
#110 Develop a profile on an influential figure – Is there someone in your niche you admire? Write a profile on them detailing who they are, what they do, why you love them, and where your readers can learn more.
#111 Shoutout to your mentors and fans – Write a post naming specific people who have influenced your blogging journey. Be sure to let them know when the post is public to help drive their followers to your site.
#112 Showcase a reader – Do you have a strong relationship with some of your loyal readers? Ask one of them if you can interview him or her and post his or her responses on your blog.
#113 List the best apps in your niche – Are you in the finance industry? List and review the top 50 mobile accounting apps. The more apps you list, the better.
#114 Write a makeover post – Did you just get a haircut? Maybe you remodeled your kitchen. Show your readers the before and after photos.
#115 Run a month of giveaways – Each day, post a new blog post (or have a guest author), and then include a quick gift for one winner at the end of each post. Be sure they have to earn it, such as by leaving a blog comment to be eligible. Add in a few “surprise” gifts so they don’t always know what’s coming.
#116 Hold a guest post pitching contest – Do you accept guest authors on your blog? Hold a pitching contest where readers can pitch their idea in the comment section and give each other feedback before you decide which pitch will turn into a published blog post on your site.
#117 Develop a quiz – Use a quiz-building application like Online Quiz Creator, and make your next post into a game for your readers.
#118 Create a glossary – Do people get confused about terminology in your industry? Write a post detailing the definition to commonly confused words in your niche.
#119 Write an open letter – Do you have someone you’ve always wanted to say something to, whether it’s your child or a celebrity? Finally say those things, and then post it on your blog for the world to see.
#120 Share a worksheet – What’s the number one thing your readers want to know about themselves and your niche? Create a worksheet that will help them answer that question. For instance, if you’re in the finance industry, you might develop a “Get out of Debt” worksheet that will help readers better plan their finances.
#121 Share coupon codes – Do a bit of research and find out which online stores in your niche are offering discounts or coupon codes right now, and then share that information with your readers.
#122 Create a list of free eBooks – People love free stuff, so help generate some buzz by creating a long list of helpful and free eBooks in your niche.
#123 Predict the future – Tell you readers where you industry is going in the next five years, or talk about where you think a celeb will be in a year or two.
#124 Compile a list of jokes – People love to be entertained. Make them laugh with a list of jokes related to your industry.
#125 Draw a comic – Show your personality by drawing and uploading your own comic. Try to make it clever and funny to drive more traffic.
#126 Write a poem – This is a great option for lifestyle bloggers, but if you can provide enough entertainment value, your poem can become wildly effective in any niche.
#127 Tell your readers who to follow on Twitter – This type of posts provides a lot of value to readers, and you just might get the attention of some influential people in your industry.
#128 Make a list detailing influential people’s response to a single question – Connect with a dozen or so popular individuals in your niche, and ask them all the same question, such as, “What’s your go-to marketing tactic that you believe is the most successful?” Compile their answers in a blog post, but be sure to ask their permission and to give them credit for the answer.
#129 Highlight the key takeaways from a recent conference – Are you planning to attend a conference in your niche? Be sure you’re taking notes so that you can report back to your followers the most important points covered.
#130 Make a list of hacks – People love it when they discover something that will make life easier. Write a list of hacks that will make your readers say, “Why didn’t I ever think of that?”
#131 Write about your plans for the holidays – No matter what holiday is approaching, share with your readers what you’ll be doing. This gives them a heads-up if you’ll be gone, but it also sparks conversation. Be sure you ask them to share their plans as well.
#132 Record a Skype call – Get in touch with a well-known person in your niche and talk with them via Skype. Record the conversation and post it for your viewers to see later. You can also host live calls via Google Hangouts.
#133 Put on a skit – People absolutely love short entertaining videos. Video tape a quick skit, whether you want to send a political message, educate your viewers, or just produce a spoof that will make them laugh.
#134 Host a free live workshop – Who would pass up something free, especially if you have something valuable to offer? Share some of your training and consulting material with your readers via a live online workshop.
#135 Write a blog post about 135 blog post ideas (or more) in your niche – List down 135 blog topics in your niche; a lot of people find it useful :).
Saturday, January 2, 2016
Highest Lakes in the World
When you think of lakes and beaches, what comes the first to your mind is their beauty and relaxing atmosphere. The lakes and oceans are nestled in mountain ranges like the Himalayas. The following list is the list of top 10 highest lakes in the world. These have been amongst the lovely tourist attractions.
10. Aguas Calientes Pool, Chile
It is a volcanic lake that is present at the top of the Cerro Aguas Calientes in the Antofagasta region of Chile. It is situated close to Acamarachi, Lascar and Chiliques. It came into being thousands of years ago. It is about 5,831m above sea level, and is a great tourist attraction.9. Lake Licancabur, Bolivia/Chile
This is another volcano lake of Chile/Bolivia. It lies miles away from the south fo Poquentica and its altitude is 5,916m. Its shape is very different and it looks like a deep volcano with messy shape. It is bigger and long as compared to many other lakes at 100m by 70m and with a depth of 8m.8. Acamarachi Pool, Chile
The Acamarachi Pool is present in Chili. It is known to have its own crater pool, and has diameter of just 10-15m. it is impressively high, about 5,950m above the sea level. The lake is said to be dangerous and is not chosen for vacation or visiting purposes.7. East Rongbuk Pool, Tibet
It is a Tibetan lake. The lake/pool appears during the times when snow starts melting. It is named after the East Rongbuk Glacier, one of biggest glaciers in the world. This was first explored by Graham Hoyland, followed by many others. It is 6,100m high.6. Changtse Pool, Tibet
The Changtse Glacier is one of the most beautiful lakes in the world. It is present at 6,216m above sea level. It has appeared on the tropical maps, and is said to be 180m by 230m. The Changtse Peak has been connected with the Mount Everest and was first discovered in 1924 by George Mallory.5. Lhagba Pool, Tibet
This lake has an altitude of 6,358m above sea level. It is located on the slopes of Everest, around 6km north of the summit and 3km east. It has not been a major attraction, but is said to be a surprisingly deep and wide lake with 180m by 50m width and length respectively.4. Nevado Ojos del Salado, Argentina
It is an impressive lake of Argentina. This is 6,390m above sea level. It is like a small crater having diameter of only 100m and a depth of 10m. It is a dangerous and high volcano on the Earth. The peak surrounding is, however, a lovely place.3. Damavand Pool, Iran
The Damavand Pool is present on Mount Damavand, a volcano with magical powers. It is one of the most amazing tourist points. The pool itself sits 5,650m above sea level in the crater summit of the mountain. It remains in frozen condition almost all months of the year.2. Poquentica Lake, Bolivia/Chile
This is a spectacular and beautiful lake, present on the border of Bolivia and Chile. The Poquentica Lake sits 5,750m above sea level on the summit of a volcano. It is mostly frozen, and as first discovered by Nathalie Cabrol and his companions years ago. It is a large and dangerous lake, you must stay away from.1. Ridonglabo Lake, Tibet
In the mysterious mountains of Tibet, this beautiful lake is present. It is about 5,801m above sea level and is a moraine lake formed from melting of glaciers thousands of years ago. It is present close to Ridonglabo Peak and only 14km away from Mount Everest. You can consider visiting it when the weather is appropriate.Friday, January 1, 2016
Happy New Year 2016
New ideas, innovations,unprecedented aspirations to inspire the world in future times is abound to you this year. Enjoy winning.....Happy New Year. :)
Happy New YearHappy New YearHappy New YearHappy New YearHappy New YearHappy New YearHappy New YearHappy New YearHappy New YearHappy New YearHappy New YearHappy New Year
Happy New YearHappy New YearHappy New YearHappy New YearHappy New YearHappy New YearHappy New YearHappy New YearHappy New YearHappy New YearHappy New YearHappy New Year
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
10 tips to stay mentally healthy
Enjoying mental health means having a sense of wellbeing, being able to function during everyday life and feeling confident to rise to a challenge when the opportunity arises. Just like your physical health, there are actions you can take to increase your mental health. Boost your wellbeing and stay mentally healthy by following a few simple steps.
- Connect with others. Develop and maintain strong relationships with people around you who will support and enrich your life. The quality of our personal relationships has a great effect on our wellbeing. Putting time and effort into building strong relationships can bring great rewards.
- Take time to enjoy. Set aside time for activities, hobbies and projects you enjoy. Let yourself be spontaneous and creative when the urge takes you. Do a crossword; take a walk in your local park; read a book; sew a quilt; draw pictures with your kids; play with your pets – whatever takes your fancy.
- Participate and share interests. Join a club or group of people who share your interests. Being part of a group of people with a common interest provides a sense of belonging and is good for your mental health. Join a sports club; a band; an evening walking group; a dance class; a theatre or choir group; a book or car club.
- Contribute to your community. Volunteer your time for a cause or issue that you care about. Help out a neighbour, work in a community garden or do something nice for a friend. There are many great ways to contribute that can help you feel good about yourself and your place in the world. An effort to improve the lives of others is sure to improve your life too.
- Take care of yourself. Be active and eat well – these help maintain a healthy body. Physical and mental health are closely linked; it’s easier to feel good about life if your body feels good. You don’t have to go to the gym to exercise – gardening, vacuuming, dancing and bushwalking all count. Combine physical activity with a balanced diet to nourish your body and mind and keep you feeling good, inside and out.
- Challenge yourself. Learn a new skill or take on a challenge to meet a goal. You could take on something different at work; commit to a fitness goal or learn to cook a new recipe. Learning improves your mental fitness, while striving to meet your own goals builds skills and confidence and gives you a sense of progress and achievement.
- Deal with stress. Be aware of what triggers your stress and how you react. You may be able to avoid some of the triggers and learn to prepare for or manage others. Stress is a part of life and affects people in different ways. It only becomes a problem when it makes you feel uncomfortable or distressed. A balanced lifestyle can help you manage stress better. If you have trouble winding down, you may find that relaxation breathing, yoga or meditation can help.
- Rest and refresh. Get plenty of sleep. Go to bed at a regular time each day and practice good habits to get better sleep. Sleep restores both your mind and body. However, feelings of fatigue can still set in if you feel constantly rushed and overwhelmed when you are awake. Allow yourself some unfocussed time each day to refresh; for example, let your mind wander, daydream or simply watch the clouds go by for a while. It’s OK to add do nothing’ to your to-do list!
- Notice the here and now. Take a moment to notice each of your senses each day. Simply ‘be’ in the moment – feel the sun and wind on your face and notice the air you are breathing. It’s easy to be caught up thinking about the past or planning for the future instead of experiencing the present. Practising mindfulness, by focusing your attention on being in the moment, is a good way to do this. Making a conscious effort to be aware of your inner and outer world is important for your mental health.
- Ask for help. This can be as simple as asking a friend to babysit while you have some time out or speaking to your doctor (GP) about where to find a counsellor or community mental health service. The perfect, worry-free life does not exist. Everyone’s life journey has bumpy bits and the people around you can help. If you don’t get the help you need first off, keep asking until you do.
Top 30 Health Tips
A garlic a day: Garlic is the mother of all cures. Researchers in Liverpool have found that 5ml of garlic extract lower levels of a disease-causing chemical by up to 48 per cent.
Eat wholegrain foods: Make sure you have whole-grain bread, rice or pasta at least four times a week and you will reduce the chance of having cancer by 40 per cent.
Take care of your skin: Always wear sun-screen lotion during summers. It is advisable to use winter care creams to overcome the harsh and cold winds. The best cure is to smile through and your skin will shine with an extra dash. It's no big secret!
Try Tea: Tea is always good. Being a heavy tea-drinker can never have negative effects. The protective effects of tea increase with the amount drunk, and people who are regular tea drinkers are the least likely to die of a heart attack.
Stop smoking: Do not smoke your health away. Nicotine patches, gums or inhalers might work for some individuals, or other methods, from hypnosis to acupuncture. More you are to smoke, more likely your are to develop cancer or heart disease.
Walk for Health: There is nothing better than walking. Walking a mile everyday, or taking reasonable exercise three times a week, promises to reduce the risk of heart disease, as well as strengthens bones and keeps them strong.
Never sleep over a backache: It is never advisable to sleep over a backache. Research shows that people who take to their beds with backache take the longest time to recover. Those who avoid bed-rest and continue normal activities as much as possible have less pain.
Water spells health: Water flushes out the toxins. A good amount of liquid intake helps the entire system and of course is best for curing skin ailments. The average man needs 2.9 litres, or about 12 cups of water, a day and woman needs about 2.2 litres.
Stop bad breath: You can prevent that unfriendly odour. It is caused by oral bacteria. A tongue scraper may help, but dental care may be needed. Mouth rinses are effective, as are flossing and brushing teeth twice a day.
Slow down on the junk: Research shows that eating too many high-fat-food contributes to high blood-cholesterol levels, which can cause hardening of the arteries, coronary heart disease and stroke.
Cut back on salt: Health Organisation recommend no more than five grams a day. Too much salt can lead to stroke and heart problems.
Drink wine: Research suggests that the equivalent of a couple of glasses of wine a day may be good for health. It can also help you keep a good mental frame.
Spouse can matter: A man in poor health in his 50s is six times more likely to be affected if married to a woman who is also in poor health.
Eat right for better teeth: Your pearly whites can gleam. Eat apples, oranges, celery, carrots and high fiber green.
Crash diets don't work: The so called new-age diets do not add to health prospects. There is no easy way to lose weight so the best way is to do it over a period of time.
Coffee is good: Researchers have found that two to four cups of coffee daily can lower the risk of colon cancer by 25 per cent.
Being overweight is dangerous: Loose the extra kilos. Over weight people cut 20 weeks of their life for
every excess kilogram, according to new research.Keeping a personal weight machine at home really helps. Buy one now!
Supplement with selenium: Research has shown that people who took a daily supplement of selenium had a 37 per cent reduction in cancers.
Lower your cholesterol: Work on reducing your cholesterol. This can reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke even when your level is not high. Exercise to reduce weight.
Asprin is a wonder drug: Asprin can actually do wonders. It helps to reduce the risk of conditions such as heart disease and cancers, including of the colon, oesophagus, stomach, rectum, prostrate. cent.
Change your job: If the workplace is what bothers you. Simply quit! Consider becoming a salesperson. Salespeople are least likely to have a work-related illness.
Socialising is good: Meeting friends and relatives is recommended. Weekly socialising improves the memory, concentration and problem solving skills.
Learn to relax: Unwind, take up a hobby and start socialising. This fights stress and depression.
Fruits and vegetables help: Have at least five portions of vegetables and fruit a day, especially tomatoes, red grapes.
Sing to stay healthy: Singing is good for the mind and body. it is relaxing, improves breathing and muscle tone.
Vitamins are vital: A multivit a day keeps the tablet away, but be sure it contains at least 200 meg of folic acid.
Sleep well: There is nothing like a good sleep. Sleep primes the immune system. Most people need between seven and nine hours of sleep a night.
Or just hum...: Humming helps. Daily humming is a good way to increase ventilation in the sinuses.
Eat wholegrain foods: Make sure you have whole-grain bread, rice or pasta at least four times a week and you will reduce the chance of having cancer by 40 per cent.
Take care of your skin: Always wear sun-screen lotion during summers. It is advisable to use winter care creams to overcome the harsh and cold winds. The best cure is to smile through and your skin will shine with an extra dash. It's no big secret!
Try Tea: Tea is always good. Being a heavy tea-drinker can never have negative effects. The protective effects of tea increase with the amount drunk, and people who are regular tea drinkers are the least likely to die of a heart attack.
Stop smoking: Do not smoke your health away. Nicotine patches, gums or inhalers might work for some individuals, or other methods, from hypnosis to acupuncture. More you are to smoke, more likely your are to develop cancer or heart disease.
Walk for Health: There is nothing better than walking. Walking a mile everyday, or taking reasonable exercise three times a week, promises to reduce the risk of heart disease, as well as strengthens bones and keeps them strong.
Never sleep over a backache: It is never advisable to sleep over a backache. Research shows that people who take to their beds with backache take the longest time to recover. Those who avoid bed-rest and continue normal activities as much as possible have less pain.
Water spells health: Water flushes out the toxins. A good amount of liquid intake helps the entire system and of course is best for curing skin ailments. The average man needs 2.9 litres, or about 12 cups of water, a day and woman needs about 2.2 litres.
Stop bad breath: You can prevent that unfriendly odour. It is caused by oral bacteria. A tongue scraper may help, but dental care may be needed. Mouth rinses are effective, as are flossing and brushing teeth twice a day.
Slow down on the junk: Research shows that eating too many high-fat-food contributes to high blood-cholesterol levels, which can cause hardening of the arteries, coronary heart disease and stroke.
Cut back on salt: Health Organisation recommend no more than five grams a day. Too much salt can lead to stroke and heart problems.
Drink wine: Research suggests that the equivalent of a couple of glasses of wine a day may be good for health. It can also help you keep a good mental frame.
Spouse can matter: A man in poor health in his 50s is six times more likely to be affected if married to a woman who is also in poor health.
Eat right for better teeth: Your pearly whites can gleam. Eat apples, oranges, celery, carrots and high fiber green.
Crash diets don't work: The so called new-age diets do not add to health prospects. There is no easy way to lose weight so the best way is to do it over a period of time.
Coffee is good: Researchers have found that two to four cups of coffee daily can lower the risk of colon cancer by 25 per cent.
Being overweight is dangerous: Loose the extra kilos. Over weight people cut 20 weeks of their life for
every excess kilogram, according to new research.Keeping a personal weight machine at home really helps. Buy one now!
Supplement with selenium: Research has shown that people who took a daily supplement of selenium had a 37 per cent reduction in cancers.
Lower your cholesterol: Work on reducing your cholesterol. This can reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke even when your level is not high. Exercise to reduce weight.
Asprin is a wonder drug: Asprin can actually do wonders. It helps to reduce the risk of conditions such as heart disease and cancers, including of the colon, oesophagus, stomach, rectum, prostrate. cent.
Change your job: If the workplace is what bothers you. Simply quit! Consider becoming a salesperson. Salespeople are least likely to have a work-related illness.
Socialising is good: Meeting friends and relatives is recommended. Weekly socialising improves the memory, concentration and problem solving skills.
Learn to relax: Unwind, take up a hobby and start socialising. This fights stress and depression.
Fruits and vegetables help: Have at least five portions of vegetables and fruit a day, especially tomatoes, red grapes.
Sing to stay healthy: Singing is good for the mind and body. it is relaxing, improves breathing and muscle tone.
Vitamins are vital: A multivit a day keeps the tablet away, but be sure it contains at least 200 meg of folic acid.
Sleep well: There is nothing like a good sleep. Sleep primes the immune system. Most people need between seven and nine hours of sleep a night.
Or just hum...: Humming helps. Daily humming is a good way to increase ventilation in the sinuses.
Monday, December 21, 2015
Health Benefits of Almonds
Almonds have been consumed by many cultures for thousands of years and were highly popular in the diets of ancient Egyptian cultures. They have continued to be popular and have become a popular snack food as well as becoming incorporated into milks and flours. On top of being delicious regardless of how you eat them, they bring tons of amazing health benefits for you when you include them at your table.
Reduces Cardiovascular Disease
People who consume nuts on a regular basis can lower their low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol that clogs their arteries and is the main cause for heart disease. They do these with their high levels of:
Almonds have been studied for their connection in the development and health of our brains, aiding in memory boosting as well as overall brain function. Its high protein levels will not only provide your body with a boost of energy, it will also help to repair your brain cells while magnesium helps to strengthen your nerves. Both B6 and vitamin E promote overall brain health while slowing down the aging of your cells, helping to preserve your memory for longer as you age.
One of the most important functions for brain health is its high level of antioxidants, which fight free radicals in your body, thus giving your body a greater chance of avoiding brain and other cancers. L-carnitine and riboflavin in almonds will also encourage brain activity and prevent Alzheimer’s disease, while possibly boosting intelligence levels in children when they are young.
Regulates Cholesterol
Numerous studies have reported that consuming half a cup of almonds a day will reduce your overall cholesterol levels by up to ten percent. The combination of monounsaturated fats with some polyunsaturated fats in almonds have been shown to be the perfect combination of fats to encourage cardiovascular health. However, the benefits of eating almonds will be greatly reduced or outright negated if people simply add them to their diets instead of substituting them for something less healthy in their current diet. It is also recommended to consume dry roasted or natural almonds without added salts and oils to ensure proper body balance.
Increases Bone Health
Calcium is an important factor for bone health, however; it is important to ensure that you are consuming calcium in ways that will allow for high levels of absorption into the bones. Dairy has low rates of magnesium, which is vital for bones to be able to absorb calcium, while fruits, vegetables, and nuts have high levels of magnesium and calcium. It has been found that when humans consume foods with equal amounts of these important elements their bodies will absorb them at a much higher rate than when you drink milk. Almonds have high levels of both of magnesium and calcium to allow for the highest levels of absorption.
In addition, while many people automatically think of calcium when they think about their bone health vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that has been shown to reduce the risk of osteoporosis. The Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism examined the impact that Vitamin E had on bone density and overall strength and found that increasing vitamin E levels in rats increased their bone density by up to eighty percent.
Controls Blood Pressure
Daily consumption of nuts such as almonds have be shown to lower the risk of hypertension, although it cannot prevent the disease altogether. Its high content of potassium and unsaturated fatty acids play a role in promoting a health body and the low content of sodium in raw almonds makes the benefits even greater. The biggest powerhouse that almonds have over blood pressure are their high magnesium content, a mineral that many people do not consume enough of and is strongly associated with blood pressure concerns regardless of your weight.
Prevents Overeating
Healthy fats and fiber will aid you greatly if you are trying to prevent overeating, as they will help you to stay full for much longer and curbs overeating of unhealthy foods. Studies have shown that almonds have a positive boost on your body’s metabolism and the Nurses’ Health Studies research showed a clear correlation between daily consumption of almonds and healthier body weights. This study was supported in the International Journal of Obesity, which found that those who ate almonds daily had a higher rate of weight loss, waist size, fat mass and systolic blood pressure.
Final Word
It is clear that incorporating almonds into your daily diet can have significant health benefits for many. Incorporating them into your diet is easy as alternatives become more available for those who have allergies to lactose. For those who are seeking to include more almonds in their diet, you should ensure that they are as un-processed as possible. Many different nuts will go through processing that drastically lowers the almonds nutritional and health value. Look for almonds that have not been subjected to intense heat, sugar, hydrogenated oils or sodium to ensure that you are receiving all of its benefits.
Reduces Cardiovascular Disease
People who consume nuts on a regular basis can lower their low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol that clogs their arteries and is the main cause for heart disease. They do these with their high levels of:
- Omega-3 fatty acids: Omega-3’s are a heart healthy form of unsaturated fat that help you heart and help to prevent heart attacks. While many people turn to fish for their Omega-3’s almonds and other nuts are one of the best sources of Omega-3 that are plant based.
- Unsaturated fats: Unsaturated fats are the “good” fats that have been found to help your body to lower high cholesterol levels.
- Fiber: High levels of fiber help your body to stay full longer, which reduces that chances of obesity induced cardiovascular diseases. Fiber also helps you lower your cholesterol levels and is thought to help your body to prevent diabetes.
- Vitamin E: High levels of LDL (the bad fats) will lead to plaque build-up in your arteries, which effectively narrows them and causes internal problems. This development can lead to heart attacks, chest pain, and coronary heart disease.
- L-arginine: This acid helps to make your artery walls more flexible, reducing the likelihood that your body will form blood clots that will block your blood flow.
Almonds have been studied for their connection in the development and health of our brains, aiding in memory boosting as well as overall brain function. Its high protein levels will not only provide your body with a boost of energy, it will also help to repair your brain cells while magnesium helps to strengthen your nerves. Both B6 and vitamin E promote overall brain health while slowing down the aging of your cells, helping to preserve your memory for longer as you age.
One of the most important functions for brain health is its high level of antioxidants, which fight free radicals in your body, thus giving your body a greater chance of avoiding brain and other cancers. L-carnitine and riboflavin in almonds will also encourage brain activity and prevent Alzheimer’s disease, while possibly boosting intelligence levels in children when they are young.
Regulates Cholesterol
Numerous studies have reported that consuming half a cup of almonds a day will reduce your overall cholesterol levels by up to ten percent. The combination of monounsaturated fats with some polyunsaturated fats in almonds have been shown to be the perfect combination of fats to encourage cardiovascular health. However, the benefits of eating almonds will be greatly reduced or outright negated if people simply add them to their diets instead of substituting them for something less healthy in their current diet. It is also recommended to consume dry roasted or natural almonds without added salts and oils to ensure proper body balance.
Increases Bone Health
Calcium is an important factor for bone health, however; it is important to ensure that you are consuming calcium in ways that will allow for high levels of absorption into the bones. Dairy has low rates of magnesium, which is vital for bones to be able to absorb calcium, while fruits, vegetables, and nuts have high levels of magnesium and calcium. It has been found that when humans consume foods with equal amounts of these important elements their bodies will absorb them at a much higher rate than when you drink milk. Almonds have high levels of both of magnesium and calcium to allow for the highest levels of absorption.
In addition, while many people automatically think of calcium when they think about their bone health vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that has been shown to reduce the risk of osteoporosis. The Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism examined the impact that Vitamin E had on bone density and overall strength and found that increasing vitamin E levels in rats increased their bone density by up to eighty percent.
Controls Blood Pressure
Daily consumption of nuts such as almonds have be shown to lower the risk of hypertension, although it cannot prevent the disease altogether. Its high content of potassium and unsaturated fatty acids play a role in promoting a health body and the low content of sodium in raw almonds makes the benefits even greater. The biggest powerhouse that almonds have over blood pressure are their high magnesium content, a mineral that many people do not consume enough of and is strongly associated with blood pressure concerns regardless of your weight.
Prevents Overeating
Healthy fats and fiber will aid you greatly if you are trying to prevent overeating, as they will help you to stay full for much longer and curbs overeating of unhealthy foods. Studies have shown that almonds have a positive boost on your body’s metabolism and the Nurses’ Health Studies research showed a clear correlation between daily consumption of almonds and healthier body weights. This study was supported in the International Journal of Obesity, which found that those who ate almonds daily had a higher rate of weight loss, waist size, fat mass and systolic blood pressure.
Final Word
It is clear that incorporating almonds into your daily diet can have significant health benefits for many. Incorporating them into your diet is easy as alternatives become more available for those who have allergies to lactose. For those who are seeking to include more almonds in their diet, you should ensure that they are as un-processed as possible. Many different nuts will go through processing that drastically lowers the almonds nutritional and health value. Look for almonds that have not been subjected to intense heat, sugar, hydrogenated oils or sodium to ensure that you are receiving all of its benefits.